Tag Archives: ramones

Teenage Wasteland


I’ve got a new essay up at Granta that goes with the theme for their new issue: Do you remember? Teenage Wastelands is about going to see Pearl Jam with my wife late last year and reflecting on other concert going experiences, including my first show: The Ramones at the Wax Museum way back in the early ’80s. It’s worth noting that I’m not a Pearl Jam fan, but I’m not a hater either—at least not anymore—but if indie music of the early ’90s takes you back, you might find something in this piece for you. 

There are three things for which there is no substitute: sex, travel and live music. I applaud those who have their priorities straight. I watched dorkily beautiful strangers lose themselves in the music. I watched them get carried away. I watched them rock the fuck out. Throughout the show I kept thinking, My God, I hope I don’t look like that.